Bedtime  Prayers
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

Bedtime Prayers

“You can't choose Christ for your kids, but you can pray that they choose Christ. And I've met far too many children who have come to Christ because their parents prevailed in prayer, sometimes for decades, to believe God for anything less.” -Mark Batterson

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Christmas  At Home
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

Christmas At Home

If you want to add some Christmas magic to the rhythms in your home and family this season, check out this Christmas At Home guide to see what books and activities our family is diving into this year.

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Praying Over Your Kids
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

Praying Over Your Kids

It’s never too late to get on your knees and begin petitioning Heaven over the lives of your kids. Here are 3 resources outside of God’s Word that I personally love and use to help build on my understanding of prayer.

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The Good Stuff Is Coming
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

The Good Stuff Is Coming

I sat in this place, post divorce in my early twenties wrestling over some really hard conversations with God. I vividly remember the broken girl sitting and looking out at this dry bed thinking, “If He can make dry bones come to life, I’ll believe that He can take the dry and broken pieces of my life and revive it to something beautiful too.”

The good stuff is coming. New life is going to blossom even in the most barren and rocky places. Soon, you’re going to look out and hardly recognize the beauty that is before you. Just keep moving.

This is how I know God can do it again for me.

This is how I know He can do it for you too, friend.

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Holding on & Letting Go
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

Holding on & Letting Go

But you never stop trying to figure it out because of one primary reason, he is your son. She is your daughter and you want her to know that you will never stop fighting for her future and for your relationship with her.

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Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso


I remember the days vividly. Dropping my sweet 1 year old off at her preschool wondering if I was making the right decision by continuing to work full time. “Should I just stay home with her?” … The world around me really made me believe that there was something she was missing out on by not being at home with me.

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10/10  Would Not Recommend
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

10/10 Would Not Recommend

…fighting to find the beauty in what I could not figure out how to love [this season] - my therapist said, “I think you need to give yourself permission to not love it.”

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Don’t miss it
Rachael Macaluso Rachael Macaluso

Don’t miss it

There are days it overwhelms me. Honestly, there are days I just want to be out of this season. 

Why do we wish our days away, friend?

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